Sales and acquisitions

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Sales / acquisitions of companies in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka

We often advise clients on the acquisition and sale of shares, businesses and property.

At Glimstedt’s offices in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka, we have extensive experience of helping our clients with business transfers and transfer agreements as well as negotiations regarding the sale and acquisition of company shares or property.

We help our clients feel secure in their business ownership

Transfer of company shares or assets?

Acquiring companies is an effective way to grow. A company is usually acquired either through the purchase of shares in the company or through an asset transfer.

A share transfer takes place in two stages. First, the buyer and seller negotiate the terms of the transfer and sign an agreement. Then the shares are transferred and all or part of the purchase price is paid. The final stage usually also involves the finalisation of the financial statements (closing accounts) and the appointment of a new board of directors and auditors.

An asset transfer means that the buyer acquires the company’s business. The business includes both tangible and intangible assets, i.e. everything from machinery, equipment, stock, staff, customer lists to know-how, patent rights, trademarks and goodwill.

When buying a company, it is advisable to conduct a due diligence to investigate important legal aspects of the company, such as whether the asset conditions really are as the company claims or whether the company is involved in any ongoing disputes. Since missing important details can have costly consequences, many people choose to involve a lawyer in the transfer process.

Commercial property – directly owned or owned through companies

During property transactions and traditional M&A deals (involving real estate or leased premises), property law issues often arise which, from a financial perspective, are of great importance to the parties. To best resolve these issues, legal expertise is required. Advokatfirman Glimstedt regularly helps clients with property law issues.

Advokatfirman Glimstedt has extensive and comprehensive experience in property law. We assist clients in all phases of a property transaction; from structural issues, due diligence and letters of intent to negotiations regarding transfer agreements, financing agreements and pledge agreements. We also assist in other property and tenancy law matters and act as counsel in disputes.

Thanks to our industry experience and knowledge, we can ensure high quality and professionalism in our property law advice.

Do you need help with mergers and acquisitions?

Mergers and acquisitions involve numerous legal assessments in areas such as contract law, sales law, labour law, tenancy law, property law and dispute resolution. For the best possible results, these assessments must be made with legal expertise.

At Glimstedt’s offices in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka, we have a broad range of expertise that makes your business life easier. We help our clients to feel secure by assisting with a legal and business assessment in the acquisition or transfer of companies.

Our Expert Lawyers in Commercial Law – Gothenburg and Kungsbacka

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