Consumer contracts in construction law
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Legal advice on construction law

Consumer contracts in construction law in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka

At Glimstedt’s offices in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka, we have extensive experience in representing clients in the field of construction law.

We help you with everything from drafting and reviewing contracts to assisting in legal disputes concerning consumer contracts in construction law. We represent both commercial entities and consumers.

We help our clients feel secure when dealing with construction law

The Consumer Services Act

In cases where the employer is a consumer and the contractor performs the work in a professional capacity, the Consumer Services Act applies. The Act is compulsory in favour of the consumer, which means that it is not possible to agree on terms that are less favourable to the consumer than those provided for in the Act. In many cases, however, the law contains supplementary provisions that only apply in cases where the parties have not agreed otherwise.

Small-scale residential construction projects – rules for new buildings and extensions

The law also includes specific provisions applicable to small-scale residential construction projects, such as the construction or extension of single- and two-family houses. According to these rules, what the consumer claims that the parties have agreed on regarding the scope of the work, the price, the time of payment and the completion of the work applies unless otherwise specified in a written contract or based on the circumstances in general.

It is therefore particularly important for contractors to ensure that a written contract is drawn up which clearly sets out, for example, what work is to be carried out, the price and how it is to be calculated.

Standard form contracts for consumer contracts

There are standard form contracts that consumers and traders can use for consumer contracts:

  • ABS 18, which is intended to be used for the construction or extension of single- and two-family houses carried out by a commercial contractor for a consumer.
  • Craftsman’s Form 14, which is intended to be used for repair and remodelling work carried out by a commercial contractor for a consumer.

Do you need help with consumer contracts in construction law?

With a broad legal expertise, we at Advokatfirman Glimstedt’s offices in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka do our utmost to protect your interests.

We offer legal advice in a range of areas such as consumer contracts in construction law.

Our Expert Lawyers in construction law – Gothenburg and Kungsbacka

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