Environmentally hazardous activity

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Environmental law in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka

At Glimstedt’s offices in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka, we have extensive experience in assisting our clients in cases concerning the environment and environmentally hazardous activities.

Under the Environmental Code, anyone who is to conduct an activity or carry out a measure that may cause harm or nuisance to human health or the environment is obliged to comply with the restrictions and take the measures necessary to prevent, hinder or counteract such harm or nuisance.

We help our clients feel secure when dealing with environmental law

Authorisation may be required

In many cases, an environmentally hazardous activity or measure requires a permit or notification and prior assessment by the responsible permit or supervisory authority. Environmental legislation changes frequently and is often governed by EU directives or regulations, and since breaches of the rules of the Environmental Code can give rise to environmental penalties and in some cases even constitute environmental crimes, it is important to contact the responsible licensing or supervisory authority well in advance before starting an environmentally hazardous activity.

The types of activities covered by environmental legislation are many and include all types of activities that may cause harm or nuisance to human health or the environment – from petrol stations to small or large-scale industries.

Examples of issues in environmental law

Environmental legislation raises issues such as

  • whether an activity is subject to authorisation or notification
  • the scope of permits and the conditions for authorisation
  • whether a change to an activity subject to authorisation or notification requires a change permit or notification
  • responsibility for any pollution and remediation measures

Do you need help with environmental law and hazardous activities?

With a broad legal expertise, we at Advokatfirman Glimstedt’s offices in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka do our utmost to protect your interests in the field of environmental law.

We can offer help and assist you in applying for a permit or notifying an environmentally hazardous activity and otherwise facilitate dialogue with the responsible authorities in order for your activity – based on an environmental legal assessment – to be allowed to operate.

Our Expert Lawyers in property law – Gothenburg and Kungsbacka

Advokatfirman Glimstedt has eleven offices in Sweden and three in the Baltic States. Visit www.glimstedt.se to learn more about our entire business.

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