General information about inheritance
Legal support at sensitive stages of life
Inheritance law in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka
Inheritance law is the area that regulates what happens to a person’s assets when they die.
At Advokatfirman Glimstedt’s offices in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka, we have extensive experience of helping our clients with inheritance law issues.
We have extensive experience in helping our clients with inheritance law issues
How does inheritance law work?
There are rules about who is legally entitled to inherit from the deceased and how the distribution of the estate should be arranged in advance. This is done by drafting a will. Additionally, there are regulations requiring an estate administration to be conducted following a death. This is carried out to determine the assets and liabilities held by the deceased at the time of their passing.
When a person dies, the deceased’s assets form what is known as the estate. An estate is a legal entity made up of the assets and liabilities of the deceased. The partners in the estate are the deceased’s survivors and any beneficiaries of the will.
It is important to remember that cohabitants do not inherit from each other. Therefore, it is particularly important to consider drafting a will if you wish for your cohabiting partner to inherit a share of your estate.
Estate administration and distribution of an estate
During the estate administration, the estate is administered by the deceased’s heirs, unless an estate administrator has been appointed or the deceased has named an executor under the will. An estate inventory must also be drafted, which is a summary of the deceased’s assets and liabilities. The inheritance is then distributed, which means that the heirs receive their share of the estate.
If the heirs cannot agree, an executor can be appointed. The task of the executor is to try to bring the heirs to an agreement. If it is not possible to reach an agreement, the executor decides on how to distribute the inheritance through a forced distribution. This decision can be appealed in the general court.
Do you need help with matters related to inheritance?
In moments of grief, it can be valuable to get help from an experienced lawyer who can give advice and help with practical matters.
With a broad legal expertise in inheritance law, we at Advokatfirman Glimstedt can help you in sensitive stages of life.
Our expert lawyers in inheritance law – Gothenburg and Kungsbacka

Niclas Elison

Cornelia Sundberg

Otto Hansson Johansson

Alexander Nuija
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