Victim of a crime
We have extensive experience in helping clients with criminal cases
Victim of a crime in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka
In certain types of crime, you as a victim are entitled to your own legal counsel. This person is then called a counsel for an injured party. This applies mainly to sexual offences, domestic violence, other serious violent offences, unlawful detention, breach of domiciliary peace and robbery. However, it can also be applied to other types of offences if the victim has special needs and the offence can result in a prison sentence for the offender.
At Glimstedt’s offices in Gothenburg and Kungsbacka, we have extensive experience in helping our clients with criminal cases.
We have extensive experience in helping clients with criminal cases
Free legal advice for crime victims
The district court decides if you have the right to counsel and appoints the counsel. However, you have the right to suggest who you would like to have as your counsel. If you do not have a specific request, the court will appoint a counsel at its own discretion. As soon as a preliminary investigation has been initiated, a counsellor can be appointed.
If you think you need legal counsel, it is important to discuss this with the prosecutor or the police officer in charge of the investigation as soon as possible. You can also contact the district court directly with your request. As a victim of crime, this legal assistance is free of charge for you.
The legal responsibilities of the victim’s counsel are clearly defined and delineated
Liability part: In this part, the counsel may support you as an injured party if you support the prosecution’s case (liability claim). This means that you have an independent right to appeal against the judgement of guilt.
Damages: Here, the counsel is authorised to represent you in a claim for damages (individual claim). In addition, the counsel has the right to attend hearings during the preliminary investigation and may ask questions.
We provide support and reassurance through the legal process
Support through the legal process
The role of the counsel for an injured party is to protect your interests. Your counsel must also provide support and help you during the preliminary investigation and the trial. For many, having a consistent point of contact throughout the process offers a sense of security. This person will support you emotionally and act as your legal representative.
Through a personalised approach and clear briefings, we help you as a victim of crime through a process that for most people can feel both unusual and uncomfortable.
We help you with everything you need to know before the trial
When we take on the role as counsel for the victim of a crime, ensuring the individual’s sense of security in the situation is paramount. It is common for a person who has been the victim of a crime to feel nervous, unfamiliar or uncomfortable about attending a trial.
We find that many victims of crime benefit greatly from participating in the briefings we have with them before an upcoming trial. We will review what to expect during the trial and discuss any specific claims you wish to present. For example, it may be an individual claim (damages from the defendant) or your need for protection and peace in relation to the suspect.
Do you have questions about criminal cases?
We have extensive experience in criminal cases and can therefore represent you as counsel for an injured party if you have been the victim of a crime. You are always welcome to contact us if you wish to hire one of us or if you have questions about the criminal case process.
At Advokatfirman Glimstedt, our extensive expertise in criminal law allows us to assist those involved in criminal proceedings.
Our Expert Lawyers in criminal law – Gothenburg and Kungsbacka

Niclas Elison

Martin Wahlin

Cornelia Sundberg

Otto Hansson Johansson
Advokatfirman Glimstedt has eleven offices in Sweden and three in the Baltic States. Visit to learn more about our entire business.